What To Look For In Ultrasound Technician Programs

A top ultrasound technician program must be properly accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. A program that has been given formal accreditation will give you the best didactic and clinical education. Whether you are doing a 1-year certificate program as part of a cross-training scheme, or earning an associates, bachelors or master’s degree, prospective employers will expect you to have attended 1 of the many accredited ultrasound technician programs in the nation. For those whose schedule or responsibilities make distance learning a better option, there are some online ultrasound technician programs available. Though this option is growing in popularity, you are more likely to get the most benefit from a traditional campus-based education.


As of 2012, there are 84 programs in the U.S. that offer 1-year ultrasound technician certificate programs, but these should really only be considered if you are cross-training from another medical field. When you are looking for a certification program, you should consider opportunities to perform clinical rotations, take formal coursework in Sonography and receive solid training in health and safety procedures.

Clinical Rotations

For any degree level, the best ultrasound technician training programs will always include a number of rotations. At the very least, you should work in obstetrics and gynecology, vascular and abdominal Sonography as part of your program, but it is better if you perform a few more rotations as well. This will make you more marketable once you have graduated, as well as allowing you to see what you are best at and what you most enjoy, which will be helpful when you choose your first specialty.

Didactic Courses in Sonography

Even if you have been working as a nurse or radiology technician, you should still look for an ultrasound tech program that demands 8 hours a week of classroom work. You will need to master the physics of all the equipment and the intricacies of the various forms of Sonography. The more you learn in class, the more ready you will be to jump in feet first when you start the job.

Health and Safety Discussions

Medical professionals already know the importance of maintaining their own health at work, but an ultrasound tech program should include at least an overview of what you will need to do to keep yourself healthy in this field. That will include how to use safety gear and how to monitor any radiation to which you might be exposed. You will also be expected to be fit, as you must be able to push and pull an 800-pound machine, bend, kneel, squat and lift patients on and off tables.


Ultrasound tech associates degree programs are by far the most common education level in this field. When you are choosing a school, you should know that the best ultrasound tech programs offer include clinical rotations, opportunities to get first-hand patient care experience, coursework in psychology and communication skills training.

Clinical Rotations

The more rotations you do in training, the better an ultrasound technician you will be from your first day. Look for an ultrasound technician program that offers 4 or more rotations throughout your 2 years of study. If you have time, you might want to seek an extra rotation either through your program or as an externship. Employers are looking for candidates with the most experience, and this will help you to secure a higher salary as well.

Patient Care

Patient care is arguably the most important aspect of your job. Successful treatment will in part depend on you and your imaging. You will be expected to take patient histories, explain the procedure and answer any questions. Your patients might be frightened, skeptical, seriously ill or traumatized. It is vital that you learn how to work with people of all ages and backgrounds so that you can help them get well.


A top program will require that you take at least a few courses in psychology. While you are learning how to image the inside of bodies, you will do better work if you understand their brains and psyches. Patients who are embarrassed about their condition or nervous might not tell you the whole truth, or they might be hostile. If you understand how to read their mood and behavior, you will do a better job of being able to communicate with them to achieve the optimum result.


While mastering strong communication skills is obviously necessary for working effectively with patients, it is also vital for working with the rest of your medical team. It can be more challenging to communicate with the doctors than with patients. If you understand a variety of communication techniques before you begin work, you will settle in more comfortably and advance more quickly.


There are only 27 bachelor’s degree programs and 2 master’s degree programs accredited by CAAHEP, and nearly none are online ultrasound technician programs. Things to look for when opting to do a higher degree are clinical rotations and lab coursework, classes that pose real-world scenarios and opportunities to conduct research or perform independent study.

Clinical Rotations and Labs

For higher degree work, you will already have some experience in the field. Continuing to perform clinical work will keep you involved as well as teach you the most advanced levels of Sonography. Students who take higher degrees in the field are those expecting to go into research and teaching, so it is important that they stay fresh and focused.

Courses in Practical Problems

When you first begin work in Sonography, you will encounter concerns and imperfections with the equipment and the imaging. For higher degree work, you will discuss the issues that Sonography was designed to treat in addition to problems within the Sonography field and ways that the discipline can grow. Understanding the problems inherent in the field will give you valuable source material for choosing a research subject.

Research and Independent Study

For master’s degree students, and even some bachelor’s degree students, research is a critical part of the course of study. You will be expected to research and write 1 or more papers that will contribute to the discussion of the discipline and how it might further develop. This will also prepare you for teaching and consultation work. While it is usually not required, you may be encouraged to join a few professional associations, especially the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.

The Best Ultrasound Technician Courses For Students

When you begin your educational program, the best ultrasound technician courses may not be what you are expecting. You will take math and physics in addition to all the courses supporting the various areas of sonography. The basic ultrasound technician curriculum will include several courses in physics and didactic courses in pelvic, vascular, abdominal, small parts and obstetric sonography. You will also take courses in patient care. In addition to your classroom work, you will be expected to undertake several clinical rotations. If you are thinking about earning your ultrasound technician degree online, make sure that the online program offers coursework that includes these subjects.

Some of the most common core classes that you will take in your ultrasound technician program include:


Ultrasound Technician CoursesEach area of sonography will be divided into its own ultrasound technician class, and each program will present these in its own order. You will study imaging techniques for pelvic, vascular, abdominal, small parts and obstetric sonography. You will learn to discern the difference between healthy and abnormal organs and blood flow. You will be able to identify abnormalities so that you can give an initial assessment to the physician and thus help set the course of treatment.


Physics is 1 of your ultrasound technician course requirements that at first you may find irrelevant, but you will eventually discover that it is your most helpful class because everything you do in sonography has to do with physics. All of the motions you perform with sonography equipment is related to physics, including touching certain buttons or choosing certain transducers. The more you understand physics, the better your work will be.


One of the top ultrasound technician courses is anatomy, which opens up the human body to your understanding. As you come to learn how the body works, you will better grasp what you are looking for when the patient undergoes ultrasound. You will study the body section by section in tandem with techniques for using ultrasound and, once you have mastered all the medical terminology, be able to speak knowledgeably with the rest of the medical staff about the image and diagnosis.


The best programs should offer designated classes for ultrasound technician students in patient care. An ultrasound technician will often have to deal very closely with their patients, first taking a history and explaining the procedure and answering questions, then, depending on the procedure, discussing the image on the screen. You may also need to lift patients onto tables, adjust them into position and then help them down afterwards. It is critical that you learn to communicate effectively with a diverse group of people experiencing a range of emotions. For many in sonography, patient care proves to be the most important class in the ultrasound technician curriculum.


In addition to core classes, your ultrasound technician program will include elective courses on topic like the following:


In some programs, this might be one of your required ultrasound tech courses, but if it is not, you should prioritize it as your top elective. Psychology complements your patient care classes, teaching you aspects of behavior and thought patterns so that you understand what a patient under certain circumstances might be thinking or feeling, and how you can work with them and help them be calm and focused for the procedure. It might be a nice break from the rigor of your required ultrasound technician classes and will prove invaluable when you begin work.


Oral communication might also be one of your required ultrasound technician classes, depending on your program, but it should certainly be something you seek out while in school. You may be surprised when you enter the workplace at how difficult it is to effectively communicate with doctors and other members of the medical staff.

You are expected to hit the ground running and show off what you have gained in your 2 years of training, so you will not have a lot of time for mistakes. Taking the time to master communication skills can make the work of all your top ultrasound technician courses pay off even more than you expected.


You may think that you are already adept at typing if you frequently use a computer, but your job will entail a lot of typing that must be swift and accurate, especially when it comes to maintaining patient records. When you step away from your sonography classes and master excellent typing skills, you will find that it makes your work better and more efficient.


The top ultrasound technology courses will ground you in all the important aspects of sonography and teach you physics, anatomy and patient care. When you are not on rotation, you should take electives such as psychology, communication and even typing to complement your required ultrasound tech classes and help make you a better tech from your first day at work.

Ultrasound Technician Bachelors Degree

An ultrasound bachelors degree is usually earned in 4 years at either a college or university. It is the standard professional undergraduate degree, although it is not a very common degree to earn in ultrasound technology. Instead, most students opt to enroll in ultrasound tech associates degree programs or, if they already have medical training, complete a certificate in ultrasound technology.

Those who do pursue bachelors degrees will be able to practice the profession at a much higher level. A bachelors degree in ultrasound technology usually prepares students to enter or continue in a more advanced position, like working in healthcare management or shaping healthcare policy.

Several of the programs take only 2 years to complete because they expect you to have already earned an associates degree in ultrasound technology. You will still be expected to take academic coursework and clinical rotations in sonography, among other requirements. If you are interested in doing research or teaching, you might thinking about continuing on into a ultrasound technology masters degree program.

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While there are a only a handful of schools offering an ultrasound technician bachelors degree, it is still useful to get a sense of what the degree entails:


A standard bachelors degree is completed in 4 years, although it may be more or less depending on factors such as taking time off or receiving early college credits. The amount of time required complete your bachelors in ultrasound tech will depend on your experience and education, as well as the structure of the program. Some programs are only 2 years because you are expected to have already completed 2 years of associates degree work. You might also be required to have some certification from the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) or another professional sonography organization, or expected to earn certification during your course of study.


Only 27 U.S. schools are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) to offer ultrasound technician bachelors degrees. There is only 1 accredited program that offers the ability to do some work online. While you may find other programs that look respectable, bear in mind that most employers will expect you to have attended an accredited institution in order to be considered for top jobs.


You can expect to spend about $15,000 a year on tuition for your ultrasound technician bachelors degree, although this will also depend on location and the nature of the program. This will not include the cost of books, supplies and fees, or room and board. There may be financial aid available through the school, government or 1 of the professional sonography organizations, so you should not be deterred from pursuing this degree because of costs.


Since you may already be expected to have worked as an ultrasound technician, the coursework for earning an ultrasound tech bachelors degree will most likely not include the basics learned in an associates degree program. Some programs may be specialized, so that your sole focus is on a complex area of sonography such as cardiac. You will most likely need to take classes in general sonography and complete at least 1 clinical rotation. Other coursework will focus on management, health policy, current issues in the healthcare field in general, leadership and ethics.


Students who earn ultrasound tech bachelors degrees will be eligible for the most advanced work in the field and earn top salaries. The degree will also position you to enter management positions within the department and upper areas of the facility where you work. You might also work in government positions in healthcare management or public policy.


While earning a bachelors degree in ultrasound technology is not common, it is useful for those who want to practice the profession at the highest level, as well as engage in healthcare management and have a voice in the shaping of healthcare policy.

Ultrasound Technician Associates Degree

An ultrasound technician associate’s degree is the most common educational qualification for entering the profession. An associate’s degree is normally earned in 2 years and conferred by a community college, technical college or sometimes a college or university that also awards higher degrees. Your coursework will include classes in Sonography, coupled with a number of clinical rotations. These, combined with courses in patient care, physics and anatomy, among others, will prepare you for work as an ultrasound technician.

You will usually be expected to have fulfilled certain prerequisites in high school before being accepted to begin work on your ultrasound technician associates degree. Programs will vary, so you will have to investigate the 1 in which you are interested, but good grades in classes like algebra and physics are standard. If you do not have enough high school prerequisites, you can always fulfill these requirements at college before you are accepted into the ultrasound technician program.

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If you already have medical experience, you can cross-train in Sonography by doing a 1-year ultrasound technology certificate program. You might also be interested in doing a 4-year ultrasound tech bachelor’s degree program, or even a master’s degree, but these courses are really only for those who are looking to teach or conduct research in the field.

Over 100 colleges throughout the U.S. offer programs for you to earn an ultrasound technician associates degree. As you are considering different programs and schools, think about each of the following aspects of study:


ultrasound technician associate’s degreeMost students will earn their ultrasound technician associates degrees within the standard 2 years. Some programs might last a few months longer. Most states will also require that you receive licensing or certification from the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) or the appropriate professional organization for your specialty as well. You will have to factor in extra time to apply for and take these exams before you are ready to pursue a job.


To date, there are 111 U.S. schools accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) that offer ultrasound tech associates degrees. Of these, only 2 offer online education. If you have a difficult schedule, you may prefer this option for completing your coursework, but you will still need to be on site for your clinical rotations.


 The cost of earning your associates degree in ultrasound tech will depend on location, whether you are a resident of the state and what support the school provides. On average, you can expect tuition to be $15,000 per year, although it might be considerably less and there will often be some financial aid available.

While you must factor in additional costs such as books, supplies and exam application fees, bear in mind that once you have earned your ultrasound tech associates degree, salary expectations will be at least $44,000, so the investment you make in school will pay off quickly.


Programs conferring ultrasound tech associates degrees have rigorous curricula. You will take a number of didactic modules in the various forms of Sonography, such as vascular, OB/GYN, neural and musculoskeletal, applying all these in clinical rotations. You will also take courses in physics, anatomy and patient care.

You will be expected to demonstrate a certain amount of physical strength to handle machines and assist patients on and off tables while maintaining your own health and safety. You will learn medical terminology and be thoroughly grounded in the ethics and standards of the profession.


Students who earn an associate’s degree in ultrasound technology will be eligible to enter the Sonography department in most hospitals or healthcare facilities. Depending on the number of rotations you undertook as a student and what certifications you have earned, you may not be allowed to work in some of the more complex areas of the field. As you will be expected to undergo continuing education and earn further certifications, you will see your career advance with your practice.


A 2-year associate’s degree will qualify you to work as an ultrasound technician in a hospital or other healthcare facility. A combination of on-the-job training and your pursuit of further education and certification will help you advance your career quickly.

Many Sides to 4D Ultrasounds

Since the 1950s, pregnant women have relied upon ultrasound technology for the first glimpse of their unborn child. Families today are most familiar with the 3D ultrasound, which provides an image of the fetus and can be used to determine its gender and overall health. However, advancements in ultrasound technology are making it possible for families to witness the personality of the unborn child in addition to their physical characteristics.

What are 4D ultrasounds?

A 4D ultrasound, also known as a 4D scan or prenatal imaging, takes three-dimensional ultrasound images and adds the fourth dimension: time. When the fourth dimension is added to the still images from a 3D ultrasound, it results in live action images of the fetus. The images are then shown so rapidly that the movements of the fetus are witnessed in real time.

What is the purpose of 4D ultrasounds?

When the pregnancy reaches 26 weeks, 4D ultrasounds can capture the personality and mannerisms of the unborn child. This is extremely beneficial. Doctors can determine if there are any abnormal physical developments by the way that the baby moves. This allows doctors to diagnose Down syndrome and other conditions sooner. 4D ultrasounds also allow doctors to monitor the blood flow through the arteries and veins of the fetus, making sure that all of the organs are functioning at healthy levels. They can capture more detailed images of the fetus’ physical features, offering higher quality keepsake photos for the parents.

How does 4D differ from 3D?

4D and 3D ultrasounds both allow doctors to detect structural problems with the uterus, placental abnormalities, abnormal bleeding, ovarian tumors or fibroids, placenta location, and analyze the development of the fetus. However, 3D ultrasounds only result in still images and cannot show personality development through video-like image rendering.

Are 4D ultrasounds safe?

Some are concerned about the safety of 4D ultrasounds since the energy level may be higher in order to render a higher quality image. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is responsible for regulating the energy levels used to conduct ultrasounds and consider them to be safe overall, as it has not been proven that 4D ultrasounds require higher energy levels. However, many doctors suggest avoiding unnecessary ultrasounds, which has caused safety concerns among patients.

What impact will 4D ultrasounds have on the future of the medical industry?

Advancements in ultrasound technology can allow medical professional to diagnose abnormalities in a fetus, as well as in other patients. With 4D ultrasounds doctors can view the inner workings of the human body in real time, and use that information to prevent the development of life threatening diseases. With continuing research in ultrasound technology, it may soon be possible to safely make 4D movies of a fetus’ development in the womb. Although some businesses have already begun making these movies, the American Medical Association advises against it. Current ultrasound technology can lead to an increase in fetal temperature, which may cause abnormal environmental stress to the unborn child.

Online Ultrasound Technician Classes

Ultrasound technician careers are becoming increasingly popular because they pay well and are relatively easy with which to get started. All you need to do is take some ultrasound technician classes and you can be well on your way to getting started quickly. This career involves helping doctors by applying the ultrasound to certain patients. When you go to school to pursue this career, you will begin by learning how to use the ultrasound machine, while having some knowledge on the diagnostic process as a whole.

If you want to get started as quickly as possible, you can take ultrasound technician classes that lead to a certificate program. This is the fastest way to get started in this industry, as you will learn the fundamentals involved with ultrasound. Most of these certificate programs last about one year and it is possible to take many of the courses online. You might need additional schooling to get some of the higher paying jobs in this industry, but it is a good way to get your foot in the door. Once you have some experience, you can go back to school and get yourself a higher paying job very quickly.

An Associate’s degree is one of the more common methods that individuals use to get started in this industry, as the ultrasound technician classes are a little more thorough. This degree will generally take you about two years, so you can get started with your job relatively quickly. Many of the theory courses can be taken online, as you will learn everything that you need to know through this method of teaching. Keep in mind that some of the more practical applications of this knowledge must be learned in person, so you will have to make these arrangements once you get started with these ultrasound technician classes.

ultrasound studentsThe Bachelor’s degree programs are much more advanced and will take you four years to complete. The majority of people do not need some of the ultrasound technician courses that are included with a Bachelor’s degree because they involve other types of medical imagining. If you want to focus solely on ultrasound, many of these courses are completely unnecessary. Keep in mind that, once again, many of these ultrasound courses can be taken online, which makes it much easier for you to get through your degree. Those who go through with a Bachelor’s degree will often branch out into other areas of medicine later on, so it creates more options for you going forward.

Those who want to learn at a faster pace should take their ultrasound technician classes in a teaching hospital. These hospitals will provide a great deal of hands-on experience, so it is a great way to learn how to operate this equipment. Although many other classes will teach you how to use this, learning in a hospital environment can be very rewarding, since it will teach you exactly what you will be in for once you get started.

As was mentioned before, many of these courses for ultrasound technicians have online versions, but you must be careful when selecting these options. This is because you can only learn the theory portions of this education online, since ultrasound is such a hands-on career choice. The training that you will receive online is good, since it will teach you how to handle the equipment, but it is vital that you actually use the equipment before starting a career. Some online schools will help you to find a practicum once you have completed the coursework, as this allows you to experience the practical side of this career. Therefore, you should only use online ultrasound techn classes as a base, rather than as your entire educational background when entering this career.

Since there are so many different educational options available, you will have some choices to make before starting your career. These classes are very rewarding and once you get started as an ultrasound technician, you will spend your days helping people. There are countless jobs available once you finish your training, so make sure that you receive the training that hospitals in your area desire. Every hospital needs ultrasound techs, so you will never run out of potential employers once you begin.

How Can I Become an Ultrasound Technician?

Ultrasonography is a highly rewarding field to enter as the technology is relatively harmless and painless to use, yet it yields accurate and detailed readings. To join this exciting and growing field, prospective ultrasound technicians must first complete proper training to ensure that they are aware of how to efficiently and safely handle the machinery as well as manage patient cases.

Those interested in pursuing a career in ultrasound technology should take plenty of mathematics, health, and science courses in high school as the field often requires the technicians to be well-versed in those disciplines. There is no set guideline as to what education level ultrasound technicians must complete before being eligible to work, but most employers prefer to hire those who have completed at least an associate degree program in ultrasound technology, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Completing at least this level of education also provides technicians with the opportunity to advance to a higher rank as well, such as that of a diagnostic medical sonographer.

However, not any associate degree program will do. Prospective ultrasound technicians should make certain that the associate program they are considering is accredited by either the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAHHEP), Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC-DMS), or the Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology (JRC-CVT). These education guidelines are promoted by the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS), which is a respected authority in ultrasonography education and training.

An associate degree program in ultrasonography typically lasts about two years, during which time students take courses that will prepare them for a successful career in the field. These courses include general health classes such as medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology, as well as more specific courses that teach students how to accurately analyze ultrasound readings and efficiently use the ultrasound equipment. Those who are interested in pursuing a specialized niche in ultrasonography, such as obstetrics or nuerosonology, should take courses related to that focus.

After completing the degree program, graduates can choose to register as official ultrasonographers with either the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS), Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI), or the American Registry of Radiological Technologists (ARRT). To become officially registered, graduates must successfully complete an examination to prove that they are capable of performing the duties demanded of them in the field. Many employers seek out technicians who are registered because those technicians have proven that they are qualified workers.

Ultrasound Resources : Guide to Internal Organs

Our bodies are very complex, there are many things going on deep within our physics. For human beings, the anatomy is just like a machine. It has all kinds of systems to help it function and run. Beneath the skin and deep within its core, the systems work with one another. They all have a specific job to perform, bringing balance to the core of the human anatomy.

Circulatory System

Inside the body lies the circulatory system. Blood flows through the body by way of this system. It contains the heart, lungs and blood vessels; each has a circulation job to perform. The function of the heart is to pump blood. However, it is the action of the lungs that moves the blood from the heart, making it flow to the lungs and return to the heart in a circular manner. The blood vessels have the purpose of carrying nutrients and oxygen to tissues and circulating blood back to the heart.

All of these organs are essentials and come with diseases and ailments if there is a malfunction. With the heart, when blockage occurs, the result could be chest pain, heart attack or a stroke.

Digestive System

The digestive system is another essential body part. From the mouth to the rectum is the digestive tract. Food travels this pathway and it is where food is absorbed and broken down into nutrients to feed cells. Inside the digestive system are other organs: the esophagus, liver, stomach, gall bladder, pancreas and the intestines. Each organ plays a distinct role. For instance, the gull bladder stores digestive juices from the liver. Juices in the mouth, stomach and intestines help food digest. The liver rids the body of waste.

When there is a medical problem with the digestive system, certain ailments can occur depending on the organ that is affected. For instance, faulty intestines can cause cramping, diarrhea, bloating and constipation. A problem with the liver can result in hepatitis, jaundice and cirrhosis. With a damaged pancreas, diabetes and cystic fibrosis can occur.

Endocrine System

The Endocrine System is in charge of sending messages to glands, telling them what to do. It tells the thyroid when to make hormones that will take a person from puberty into adolescence. It tells the pancreas when to make insulin. The pituitary, pineal, thyroid, and the adrenal are glands. As you can see, the function is making sure that each gland does their job. The pituitary is the master gland. It is in charge of growth hormones, controlling skin pigmentation and stimulating the hormones. The most common disorders of this gland are non-cancerous tumors and Diabetes Insipidus. With a malfunctioning pineal gland, you can get a binge eating disorder. A common illness of the thyroid can result in hyperthyroidism, which attacks your metabolism. Diseases of the adrenal gland include such things as Cushing’s syndrome and Addison’s disease.

Excretory System

The Excretory System is required to find and remove poisons within the body. This system includes such organs as the kidneys, bladder, and lungs. The kidneys also remove waste and poisons. It works like a filtering machine, transporting urine to the bladder where it is stored before traveling through the urethra tubes as waste. The most important organ of the excretory system is the kidneys. Common illnesses of the kidneys are urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Problems with the bladder can result in such things as bladder warts and cancer can result when and if there is a malfunction.

Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic System guards the immune system against infections, bacteria, viruses and cancer. It is a system of organs as well as ducts and nodes. Within this system are lymph nodes. You can feel these in the neck, armpits, and the groin area. They are also behind the ears. When these nodes become swollen, it means that an infection is amiss. When it comes to fighting infections and diseases, lymph nodes are the tiny filters that attack like soldiers in defense. Lymph nodes may become swollen and painful due to illnesses such as a cold or the flu. Gingivitis will also cause nodes to have a swelling flare up. Ear and skin infections as well as mouth sores can make lymph nodes swell. When swelling and pain are present, these symptoms are signs that it is fighting an infection.

Nervous System

The brain and the nervous system work together. It is through the nervous system that the brain sends and receives messages through nerves, which are scattered all through the body. The brain controls all of our body functions. If we want to run, skip or dance, the brain makes these movements possible. When something goes wrong with the nervous system, it can cause conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Neuritis, or Parkinson’s disease. When the brain malfunctions, some of the common ills are diseases such as Alzheimer, amnesia and Epilepsy. If the brain does not get enough oxygen, it could cause a person to faint. When there is a blockage of blood flow or a loss of blood to the brain, the result will be a stroke.

Reproductive System

Inside the Female Reproductive System, are the ovaries, the uterus and the fallopian tubes. The ovaries are glands that contain eggs. They also make hormones. After the release of the eggs and that happens once a month, they will slowly travel through the fallopian tubes on their way to the uterus. The uterus is the organ of the body that houses a baby. It will grow and develop there. However, once the egg makes it to the uterus and it does not become fertilized, a baby will not form. Instead, what will take place is the menstrual cycle, which is a shedding of blood and tissue.

If a female experiences, infertility or irregular periods the problems will likely come from inferior ovaries. Fibroids, painful periods or heavy bleeding are associated with disorders of the Uterus.

Respiratory System

Another important structure of the human body is the Respiratory System. This is what controls our breathing. The organs of this system consist of the nasal cavity, the mouth, the trachea, the bronchi and the lungs. Out of all these organs, the lungs are the major elements in the respiratory system. The lungs has the responsibility to take in air and add fresh oxygen to the blood while also removing carbon dioxide from it before the blood flows to important cells. Some common diseases that threaten the function of the lungs are illnesses such as emphysema, pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Training Program and Courses

Medical imaging technology is a latest and exciting technology for diagnostic medical Sonographers.

Diagnostic Medical Sonography Programs (DMS):

Department of allied health science of hunter business school is offering 20 month, comprehensive diploma course in medical Sonography. This program provides extensive coursework in the field of Abdominal Sonography, small parts Sonography, Ob/gyn Sonography, Cardiac Sonography, and Neonatal Neurosonography. Large portion of this program is dedicated placement at various clinic, hospital, and radiology practices. The diversity of medical settings will provide students very good opportunity to develop their skills in scanning and help them to fully integrate academic knowledge with direct, and hands on clinical practical.

Registry Examination programs:

Graduates are officially able to sit in the registry exam which are organized by American Registered University for Diagnostic Medical Sonography.

Career Opportunities:

Future of a diagnostic medical Sonographer is very wide and enhanced. Medical Sonographer may find career opportunities in medical and beyond such as in:

• Hospital departments
• Mobile ultrasound companies
• Private physicians offices
• Medical research
• Ultrasound manufacturing corporations
• Veterinary ultrasound

Business School for Diagnostic Medical Sonographer:

Hunter Business School:

• Hunter school is nationally accredited by the Accrediting council for independent schools and colleges.
• Complete job placement is available
• Licensed and registered by NYS Education Department Bureau of Propriety school supervision.
• Scholarship available for those who qualify in the written exams.

Courses and their codes offered by DMS:

1. Vital signs: DMS 101:- This course is offered by DMS and time duration for this course is only 15 hours, it provides the applicant with the skills and knowledge to carry out some emergency first aid for life threatening situation at the workplace only. Students familiarize with these topics like: – Management of choking and other breathing technique, Measurement and identification of vital signs, severe allergic reactions, shock, wound care and bleeding, automated external defibrillators, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, infection control etc.

2. Medical Terminology: DMS 102:- Medical terminology is very useful for student to improve their communication skills. This course will help in the technical world of ultrasound. Students become familiar with the terms and meaning, vocabulary etc. Time period of this course is 40 hours.

3. Introduction to DMS/Ethics/Patient’s care: – 103:- Main goal of this program is to prepare students for the clinical placement. Students must know about patient’s right, obligation of a Sonographer to the patients, HIPPA regulations, institution, care of special patients with the special needs in the ultrasound division, all body machine which are used in ultrasound process etc.Time period of this course is 80 hours.

4. Anatomy and Physiology: – This course provides comprehensive study of all human organisms with the help of structure and function of its part. Starting of this is from the basic understanding of whole cellular system. Covered topics are: Communication, Support and Movement, Circulatory System, Digestive System, Respiratory, Control and Integration; Transportation and Defense; Nutrition and Excretion; and Reproduction and Development. Time period of this course is 75 hours.

5. Cross Sectional Anatomy I: DMS111:- In this course student can expand their knowledge of cross-sectional anatomy of the human. All the identification skills developed under this section. Time duration of this course is 40 hours.

6. Cross Sectional Anatomy II: – student will continue with the cross sectional anatomy of human body parts. Time duration of this course is 15 hours only.

7. Acoustic Physics: – For diagnostic study understanding of ultrasound physics is necessary and this course provide all basic things related to the ultrasound process. Time duration of this course is 40 hours.

8. Sono Procedure 1 A: – This course is the initial stage for the study of Sonographic evolution of superficial and abdominal structures. All normal and abnormal condition will be discussed in this section with the help of cross sectional images. Time duration for this course is 55 hours.

9. Sono Procedure 2 A: – Students will be familiar with all normal and abnormal Sonographic conditions. Time duration for this course is 55 hours.

10. General Sonography: – This course provide practices techniques, in this students can scan each other for obtaining good result.

11. Sono Procedure 2 B: – This is the second part of the sonographic evolution of abdominal. And time duration for this course is 55 hours.

DMS offers so many other courses for medical Sonographer like:-

General Sonography, Seminars in advanced topics, Critical thinking, and Professional development, registry review, Cardiac Sonography, clinical externship etc.

How To Become A Diagnostic Medical Sonographer

Medical Sonographers don’t need any high education, there is requirement of formal education such as an associate degree or a post secondary certificate.

Many of employers require certification as well associate degree.

Education: – Universities and colleges both offers associate’s and bachelors degree program.One year, two year degree programs are available, but these are only useful for those who are already associated in some healthcare jobs. And all employers prefer certification and degree from the accredited institute, because accredited institute usually follows some specific courses of study including some clinical training. Most of the programs are divided into the specialized area and that corresponds to the certification exams.

Some of the Sonographers graduate with the radiologist technology degree and after that they get their job training. High schools students take courses in anatomy, physiology, mathematics.

Licenses: – Most of the employer prefers those employees who have certification and licenses. Sonographers can easily get their certification by an accredited institute some exams relate to the specialty that the student is interested. According to the working area Sonographers can get the certificate like certificate in abdominal, etc. Some states require licensed Sonographers and for license certification is must.

Requirements can change according to the state, and Sonographers must take continuing his or her education to keep the certification update.

Other Qualities :-

• Detail oriented:- Sonographers must follow precise instruction to obtain specific images that needed to diagnose and analyze the problem. They must pay attention on the screen while scanning of patient’s body.

• Hand eye co-ordination:- Co-ordination is must to get the quality images. Because according to the screen image Sonographers have to move the equipment on patient’s body.

• Interpersonal skills:- Interpersonal skills are very important for Sonographers, because sometimes medical Sonographers must work closely with the patients, and patients may be in mental stage, suffering from very much pain. So the co-operation is must from Sonographers.

• Stamina:- Stamina is very important because medical Sonographers have to work on their feet for long time.

• Communication and Technical skills:- Medical Sonographers must understand the technical terms, how to operate the equipment and machinery.