Our bodies are very complex, there are many things going on deep within our physics. For human beings, the anatomy is just like a machine. It has all kinds of systems to help it function and run. Beneath the skin and deep within its core, the systems work with one another. They all have a specific job to perform, bringing balance to the core of the human anatomy.
Circulatory System
Inside the body lies the circulatory system. Blood flows through the body by way of this system. It contains the heart, lungs and blood vessels; each has a circulation job to perform. The function of the heart is to pump blood. However, it is the action of the lungs that moves the blood from the heart, making it flow to the lungs and return to the heart in a circular manner. The blood vessels have the purpose of carrying nutrients and oxygen to tissues and circulating blood back to the heart.
All of these organs are essentials and come with diseases and ailments if there is a malfunction. With the heart, when blockage occurs, the result could be chest pain, heart attack or a stroke.
Digestive System
The digestive system is another essential body part. From the mouth to the rectum is the digestive tract. Food travels this pathway and it is where food is absorbed and broken down into nutrients to feed cells. Inside the digestive system are other organs: the esophagus, liver, stomach, gall bladder, pancreas and the intestines. Each organ plays a distinct role. For instance, the gull bladder stores digestive juices from the liver. Juices in the mouth, stomach and intestines help food digest. The liver rids the body of waste.
When there is a medical problem with the digestive system, certain ailments can occur depending on the organ that is affected. For instance, faulty intestines can cause cramping, diarrhea, bloating and constipation. A problem with the liver can result in hepatitis, jaundice and cirrhosis. With a damaged pancreas, diabetes and cystic fibrosis can occur.
Endocrine System
The Endocrine System is in charge of sending messages to glands, telling them what to do. It tells the thyroid when to make hormones that will take a person from puberty into adolescence. It tells the pancreas when to make insulin. The pituitary, pineal, thyroid, and the adrenal are glands. As you can see, the function is making sure that each gland does their job. The pituitary is the master gland. It is in charge of growth hormones, controlling skin pigmentation and stimulating the hormones. The most common disorders of this gland are non-cancerous tumors and Diabetes Insipidus. With a malfunctioning pineal gland, you can get a binge eating disorder. A common illness of the thyroid can result in hyperthyroidism, which attacks your metabolism. Diseases of the adrenal gland include such things as Cushing’s syndrome and Addison’s disease.
Excretory System
The Excretory System is required to find and remove poisons within the body. This system includes such organs as the kidneys, bladder, and lungs. The kidneys also remove waste and poisons. It works like a filtering machine, transporting urine to the bladder where it is stored before traveling through the urethra tubes as waste. The most important organ of the excretory system is the kidneys. Common illnesses of the kidneys are urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Problems with the bladder can result in such things as bladder warts and cancer can result when and if there is a malfunction.
Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System guards the immune system against infections, bacteria, viruses and cancer. It is a system of organs as well as ducts and nodes. Within this system are lymph nodes. You can feel these in the neck, armpits, and the groin area. They are also behind the ears. When these nodes become swollen, it means that an infection is amiss. When it comes to fighting infections and diseases, lymph nodes are the tiny filters that attack like soldiers in defense. Lymph nodes may become swollen and painful due to illnesses such as a cold or the flu. Gingivitis will also cause nodes to have a swelling flare up. Ear and skin infections as well as mouth sores can make lymph nodes swell. When swelling and pain are present, these symptoms are signs that it is fighting an infection.
Nervous System
The brain and the nervous system work together. It is through the nervous system that the brain sends and receives messages through nerves, which are scattered all through the body. The brain controls all of our body functions. If we want to run, skip or dance, the brain makes these movements possible. When something goes wrong with the nervous system, it can cause conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Neuritis, or Parkinson’s disease. When the brain malfunctions, some of the common ills are diseases such as Alzheimer, amnesia and Epilepsy. If the brain does not get enough oxygen, it could cause a person to faint. When there is a blockage of blood flow or a loss of blood to the brain, the result will be a stroke.
Reproductive System
Inside the Female Reproductive System, are the ovaries, the uterus and the fallopian tubes. The ovaries are glands that contain eggs. They also make hormones. After the release of the eggs and that happens once a month, they will slowly travel through the fallopian tubes on their way to the uterus. The uterus is the organ of the body that houses a baby. It will grow and develop there. However, once the egg makes it to the uterus and it does not become fertilized, a baby will not form. Instead, what will take place is the menstrual cycle, which is a shedding of blood and tissue.
If a female experiences, infertility or irregular periods the problems will likely come from inferior ovaries. Fibroids, painful periods or heavy bleeding are associated with disorders of the Uterus.
Respiratory System
Another important structure of the human body is the Respiratory System. This is what controls our breathing. The organs of this system consist of the nasal cavity, the mouth, the trachea, the bronchi and the lungs. Out of all these organs, the lungs are the major elements in the respiratory system. The lungs has the responsibility to take in air and add fresh oxygen to the blood while also removing carbon dioxide from it before the blood flows to important cells. Some common diseases that threaten the function of the lungs are illnesses such as emphysema, pneumonia and tuberculosis.
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