Ultrasound Technician Masters Degree

A masters degree is the first graduate degree you can earn once you have earned a bachelors degree. It is only conferred by universities. An ultrasound technician masters degree will give you the grounding to work in highly specialized areas of sonography, along with the expectation that you will contribute submissions to medical journals and learn the intricacies of management and public health. In ultrasound technology, masters degree are very rare.

A masters degree is useful for people working in the field who are interested in pursuing research, teaching or high levels of healthcare management or public policy. While the most common educational qualification for working as an ultrasound technician is a 2-year associates degree, you can also do a 1-year certificate program and cross-train into the field. Other students enroll in ultrasound tech bachelors degree programs, which, like the masters degree, can allow them to further pursue ultrasound technician career advancement by working in management or public policy.

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If you are interested in a masters in ultrasound tech, here is some information to keep in mind:


Ultrasound Technician Masters DegreeThe coursework and clinical experience for an ultrasound technician masters degree will usually take 24 to 26 months to complete. However, you may also be expected to research and write a thesis or dissertation as part of your degree program, and how long this takes will depend on you. While you will likely already have a license and certification from the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) or another professional sonography organization, you may need to take exams for further certification before you re-enter the field.


As of 2012, there are only 2 U.S. schools accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) that offer ultrasound technician masters degrees. These are the School of Health Professions at the University of Missouri and the College of Health Care Science at Nova Southeastern University in Florida. Nova Southeastern offers the option to take some courses online, but you are also expected to be on campus as well.


Tuition for an ultrasound tech masters degree program will cost about $20,000 per year, not including assorted fees and costs for materials, supplies, and room and board. Both Nova Southeastern and the University of Missouri have campus financial aid available, and you might also seek government financial aid. If you are applying for a masters degree, it is likely you already belong to one or more of the professional organizations for sonography, and these may be able to provide you with financial aid as well.


Ultrasound tech masters degree programs are comprised of upper level academic work in the more complex areas of sonography such as vascular and cardiovascular, clinical work and courses such as statistics, composition, communication and sociology. You will be expected to undertake independent research and write papers worthy of submission to medical journals.


Successful holders of ultrasound tech masters degrees might go back into the field to work at the highest level, earning top salaries. You might manage your department and be involved in general hospital management as well. You can work as a consultant, take a government position in healthcare management or public policy, or focus on research and teaching.


The few people who pursue a masters degree in ultrasound technology are interested in researching and writing about the field and contributing to the knowledge and growth of the profession. You will be in a position to enter the top levels of the profession, contribute regularly to medical journals and work for the government shaping healthcare policy.